Deuteronomy 31:8

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

Praise You in This Storm by Casting Crowns

About Me

McAlester, Oklahoma, United States

Friday, January 9, 2009

Your Salvation is NOT My Responsibility

I have not written for several days now, not because there is nothing to report, but because of the greatness of the events occurring in our lives right now. It is almost like overload at times because things are changing and moving so quickly. Our church service abruptly ended in December 2008 when our pastor left, and our new pastor was not ordained with the right denomination and we were told that we could no longer worship at the chapel. We began meeting together at our new pastor's house and have been doing bible study and worship services there ever since, and of course, praying for a new place to worship as well. God answered our prayers, and has graciously provided us with the use of another church's building during their off-hours, but it is free and allows us to plan for the future church that God is wanting to plant here in Guam. It is a thrill and a privilege to even be involved with such a project.

As for other updates, Jeff and I have been considering (prayerfully) getting out of the military. God has given us a unified vision for our future, but it takes much prayer and faith to get where He is taking us. I am praying more, and leaning more on God than I have in the past six months. God is causing me to pull in closer to Him, and to deepen our relationship, and I am grateful for this move in my life. I want more of God every day, and I want to be deeply in love with Him, even moreso than I am today. God is teaching me the beauty of His divine provision for every part of my life. Once again, gifts have been showing up on our doorstep, and we are grateful for each and every one of them! He is teaching us that our lives are in His hands, and that He alone can sustain us in this life! It is a difficult journey, but it has plenty of rewards every day. He is strengthening our family relationsips, and answering prayers daily. What more could I ever ask for, except more of His Presence in my life.

I have recently become keenly aware that other people around me do not accept the message that has been written here, or has been spoken through me in the last 18 months about God's salvation through Jesus Christ. As God so clearly said to me the other night, "You (ME) need to stop trying to save the world." I just have to learn that any work that is done is by Him, not by me, and therefore, I do not carry the burden or responsibility for the salvation of others' souls. Does that mean that I have lost my deep passion to the pray for those who do not know the Lord? Absolutely not. It simply means that I do not carry the responsibility for getting each and every person I know into the Kingdom of God. It is still my desire and hope that everyone makes it to heaven with me, but I have come to accept that it is each person's choice about where to spend eternity. I just can't imagine anyone not wanting to walk out this life by the side of Jesus, and to spend an eternity in perfect peace. Maybe I will not understand why others do not choose it in this life, however, I DO remember the days when I so adamently rejected the gospel message myself. I only wish I knew then what I know now, but I am just thankful that I finally came around. I pray that every one of you comes to the knowledge of salvation as well, but I am no longer going to carry around a great burden in my heart for those who willingly choose NOT to accept Christ. I will pray for them, but in the end, it is their choice. For those of you whom I know, who are reading this blog, the only thing I can say is that I LOVE YOU and everything I do is out of love for you.

I will continue to write this blog about the things God is doing in our and wherever we end up next. I pray that each of you finds something in this blog that touches your heart, and that each of you is blessed. If anyone would like prayer for anything, please let me know, and I will pray for you. I love you all, and I wish you a wonderful night! :-)

In the love of Christ,
