Deuteronomy 31:8

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

Praise You in This Storm by Casting Crowns

About Me

McAlester, Oklahoma, United States

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Spirit Willing....Weak Flesh!

I have to open this blog with a simple, but fitting scripture...

Matthew 26:41 (NKJV)

"Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."

Ahhhh....where do I start? I know I have once again been absent from my blog for a couple of weeks now. I want to say that it will never happen again, and Lord willing, it will not...but I need Jesus to help me to be strong in this work of His. As I have said in prior blog posts, according to the Word of God, being a Christ following disciple does not mean that there will be rosy paths ahead of us. It actually means quite the opposite. There is a great cost for being a disciple of must die to the flesh and live in the Spirit. What does that mean? Well, a perfect example is the weakness of the flesh to want to SLEEP. That has been my struggle, along with disobedience to God, these past couple of weeks. As expected, when God asked me to be Christ-like and rise early before light to pray (in the morning)...I suddenly became extremely fatigued and wanted to sleep not only at night, but in the day as well. I have been struggling with apathy, laziness, and ultimately disobedience in letting my flesh win the battle to stay in bed past 5 am. You see, the Lord asked me to do something that requires me to deny my flesh and submit to His Spirit's will for my life. Those that know me well KNOW that I am not a "morning person." I have had trouble waking up early my entire life, so this is not a new battle for me, but it is one that the Lord is wanting to help me overcome. The Lord wants to mold me into the woman that he created me to be, not the woman I currently am. He has plans for my life that exceed my wildest dreams and aspirations, but I cannot get there without total dependence on His care and grace in my life. I NEED JESUS!

It took these past couple weeks to truly see how useless and weak I am without God's Spirit working through me to overcome the struggle with my flesh. Left to my own devices, I quickly surrender and fall, but by abiding in Him, I can overcome. I have not given up yet. I am going to set the alarm for 5 am tomorrow morning, and God willing, I am going to rise! My husband said he is willing to help me, since he has to get up anyway for work. I finally admitted I needed His help, and the help of others.

My encouragement comes from 1 John 5:3-5 (NIV):

"This is love for God: to obey His commands. And His commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God."

You might be saying...what does it really matter if you wake up at 5 am, or 6 am, or 10 am? Why would the Lord care what time you wake up? The answer is OBEDIENCE, and becoming more like Christ in everything I say, do, feel, or act. If Christ had to rise before the sun to pray to the Father and ask for help each morning, who am I to think I do not? Talk about pride...I pray the Lord forgives me for my hardness of heart, and my complete stubborness and disobedience. Lord have mercy upon my soul!

Mark 1:35 (NASB)

"In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there."

I never thought of my sleeping until 6:30am, or even 9:30am as a sin. The Lord was exposing the sin of sloth, or laziness in my heart. It has been an ugly exposition of the ungodliness still lurking in me. I am thankful that God is refining me, purifying my heart, and sanctifying me through the power of the Holy Spirit. Even though I have been through many tests, and many experiences which have tested my faith this past year, I am still amazed each time a new test comes along. God promises in His Word:

Romans 8:28 (NASB):

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

Although I cannot always SEE what God is doing in my life, or how it works for good, I am learning to trust the promise of God. He says ALL things work together for good, and I believe Him.

Psalm 9:10 (NIV):

"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you."

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness in keeping His promises!


Today I pray that you would shine the light of your Word into the hearts of everyone who is reading this blog. I pray that you would show each of them how much you care for those who love you, and how you will never leave them alone. Despite any circumstances in which they find themselves, addictions, failing marriages, lies, unemployment, deception, are there to pull them out! All they need to do is confess their sin to you, and you are just to forgive them! Lord, I pray that your Holy Spirit would fall upon them as they read this blog, and they would receive your free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. I thank you for your costly sacrifice, which was anything but free...but I thank you that you give your salvation to us without us ever earning it. We do not have to do anything to receive eternal life except admit our sin, turn from it (repent) and ask for your forgiveness. I thank you that you made such a complex process in the heavenly realms so simple for us to grasp. You know our weakness of understanding, and our lack of knowledge. Please, Lord, increase the knowledge and understanding of you for all who seek you! I pray for myself, Lord, that I would come to a greater understanding of who You are, and have the strength and courage to apply your Word to my everyday life. Give me a greater portion of your Holy Spirit, and use me for your honor and glory! I pray peace that surpasses all understsanding into the lives of those who believe, and that you would show them through your Word that they can trust you with their lives! I thank you and praise you, giving you all honor and glory, especially for your finished work of salvation on the cross! Bless the Lord, O' my soul! In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Loved by Him,


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