Deuteronomy 31:8

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

Praise You in This Storm by Casting Crowns

About Me

McAlester, Oklahoma, United States

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Religion or Relationship with God (Part 2)

Just a couple days ago, I never imagine how the Lord was going to begin to move in this area of my life. The Lord has revealed to me many of the ways that I have fallen prey to the monster of religion and legalism. When I came into a personal relationship with Christ, I did not worry about how I prayed, how I fasted, how I read the Bible, or how I talked about "religious" things. I just wanted God to save me from my former sinful life that wasn't working out, and causing me to be miserable. I remember not having any idea how to "pray" when I first became a Christian. I asked a friend, "How do I talk to God?"

She gave me the most sound advice of "just talk to God like He is your best friend." That started a beautiful daily conversation between myself and the Lord of Lords. Because I was not raised in church, I had no preconceived ideas about what a relationship with God SHOULD look like, so I just applied the desire in my heart to know Him to the scriptural truth of the Bible, and I began talking to God. You can imagine my surprise when I would pray to God, and then something would happen that was just downright strange....the answer to my prayer would just happen - and quickly (sometimes within minutes or hours). This began to grow my faith that God really was listening to me, and He wanted me to talk to Him more. So I just kept talking....something I was really good at....and God just kept listening and answering in my physical circumstances. At that time, I did not know how to "hear" God internally, so I just heard Him by watching Him answer prayer in my life day after day. It was simple, I prayed, He answered.

Then God led me to do a Bible study called "Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby. I recommend this Bible study to ANYONE who wants more than a boring religion full of rules...but rather a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ. God used this study to change my life and my relationship with Him forever. I found out that the things happening to me on a daily basis were not some freakish set of coincidences, but it was God trying to establish a real and deeply intimate relationship with me. I learned in this study the ways God communicates with His people, and I began to pay attention to even more ways that God was trying to "talk" to me. I still didn't get immediate internal answers to questions, but I would wait patiently and watch very observantly the world around me to receive God's answers to my prayers. The more I did this, the more God spoke to me internally. My faith began to build, and the next thing I knew, I realized that God was using my own mind and thoughts to speak directly to me. He would give me wisdom for various situations, and one situation would lead seamlessly into another, and then came the day when God answered my thoughts (not even my prayers) with a physical response in my circumstances.

Is this some special relationship I have with God that no one else can have? NO. This is what God hopes to have with EVERY living person. This is how God intended for it to be from the beginning. The problem is, the church is teaching people religion and not how to know God. I believe this is Satan's influence in the church, because if He can get people trapped into the bondage of religion, they begin to believe there is nothing more to be seeking (such as God's very Presence and His face).

You may ask, "What do people mean when they say - seeking God's face?" I can say that I was quite puzzled by this statement when I first heard it from a friend. I have learned over time that seeking God's face means getting to know God personally, and knowing His character well enough that you understand His ways and His plans (before they even happen)....much like you would know a family member or a best friend, or even your spouse. My husband knows me well enough because of our constant contact that he can predict what I will say, how I will react, how I will approach a given situation.....he knows my CHARACTER and he knows WHAT I HAVE DONE IN THE PAST. God gives us both in the written Word of the Holy Scriptures. By studying the Word of God, we can come to know how God has acted in the past, and His very character by what He says about Himself and how He approaches His people.

I know people will say..."Who can know the mind of God?" Well, we can't...but when you are truly a child of God and have been reborn by regeneration of heart (by the Holy Spirit) truly do have the Spirit of God living inside of you. And YOU cannot know the mind and heart of God, but God in you CAN. And He can speak to you through your own physical body and outward circumstances by His providence to show you He is real, and that He never changes. Is it a complex way of living....absolutely not! How God does it all, I don't know, but I know it is real...and it is a daily way of living for me and many others.

The #1 problem with people not understanding this is that they have been convinced by their religion that they are actually Christians when they are not. Does this mean they are doomed because they have been duped into believing they are child of God when they are not? Absolutely not. God is waiting for them to make the heart changing decision to follow Him for eternity and to have a relationship with Him.

I do NOT believe that everyone who utters the prayer of salvation is saved. I believe those who are convicted of their sinfulness to a point they cannot go on in their current way of life, and they ask God to save them because of their belief in His grace and power....those who are given a new life and new nature, and a new HEART by the Holy Spirit are saved. I believe in eternal security for believers, unless they commit apostasy by rejecting the gift God has given them after having received it. This is willful and intentional, and not because Satan led you astray....God will deliver you from such oppression. This would be a Christian who decides to reject the sacrifice of Jesus' Christ as having the power to save them from sin, and knowingly and willfully walking away from God permanently as apostasy. I am not even sure that those who truly have God's Spirit within them are capable of doing this, but it is mentioned here in the Bible (so I guess it could happen):

Hebrews 6:4-6 (NASB):

"For in the case of those who have once been enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of this age to come, and then have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance, since they again crucify to themselves the Son of God and put Him to open shame."

I think the problem is not with Christians who fall away from Christ's salvation, but more those who think they have it, and have never been reborn again of the Spirit. They are living out religion instead of a relationship with God because they are incapable of a relationship with God, because they have not been restored through the atoning blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Does this sound harsh to some??? Probably. Some will probably even never want to read this blog again because of the truth of this word. But....the Bible says that open rebuke is better than secret love. I would rather you hate me for telling the truth which shakes your world, than for you to love me because I go along with the deception of Satan (which will lead your soul to hell) in your life. I am choosing open rebuke BECAUSE I love you.

Many have considered the following scripture, and I have already heard it interpreted in many ways in the past two years....but I believe God is referring to religious living vs. a relationship with it and pray over it for yourself:

Matthew 7:20-23 (NKJV):

"Therefore, by your fruits you will know them. Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness."

God wants to know you personally. Through this personal relationship and the work of the Holy Spirit in your life, He will teach you the way to live day by day. You must be led by the Spirit through this relationship with God. Following the laws and obeying religious rules and doctrines will not end up equalling those who follow the will of God - which is to know, believe in, and trust in God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Romans 12:2 (NASB):

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

There is no other way to heaven but through Jesus Christ. Does this mean just claiming Jesus name for salvation, NO. It means confessing Christ, believing in Him, and knowing Him personally. He states this in His Word:

John 14:1-7 (NKJV):

"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.

Thomas said to Him, 'Lord we do not where You are going, and how can we know the way?' Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.' If you had known Me, you would have known my Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.

So, let me ask you a question???

If you do not know Jesus personally in a relationship, then how do you plan to know the Father, and if you do not know the Father or know about where He is, then how do you expect to get there when you die?????

Do you think that following some pitiful rules about religion is going to get you to heaven? Jesus told us the way, now those of us who know the Way need to help others find it. Bring them to Jesus and teach them to shed their religion and exchange it for something more precious....knowing God.

I pray today that God blesses each of you with a personal, deeply intimate relationship with Himself. I pray that He opens up a way for you to fall away from religion and fall into Him. I pray that the deception in your eyes would fall away, and that the spirits which have tried to keep you from Him would be bound in the name of Jesus. I pray for your freedom in Christ, and that God would bring you quickly into the abundant life He has for you. May God bless you in Jesus' name. Amen.

Thankful for His Truth,


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