Deuteronomy 31:8

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

Praise You in This Storm by Casting Crowns

About Me

McAlester, Oklahoma, United States

Thursday, September 11, 2008

God's Little Princess....Me!

As I posted in yesterday's blog entry, the Lord will give us all that we need. Our problem, as I have said before (and this includes me) is that we don't ask. Yesterday, my reason for going to the new BX was to buy a new stroller for my son. He is two, but he still gets tired on longer walks and needs a little help. I was not going to buy anything extravagant, just something pretty basic, but I did not have the money to be buying a new stroller right now. We just went through a time of giving, and it has left us a little "spent." But I could hear the Lord's voice yesterday simply asking me "Why haven't you asked me for a stroller?" That thought kept lingering in my mind for the rest of the day, and then I heard God say, "You are going to have a new stroller." So, to make a long story short, Jeff asked us if we wanted to meet him at the BX last night for a quick look. Although I knew I was not going to buy anything, I agreed to meet him there. We did a quick lap through all the departments and left. We were there for about 15 minutes. My husband was not very impressed, simply stating that it was the same as before, just bigger and some different stores on base had combined. It was really nothing spectacular. However, we did not buy the stroller on credit while we were there. I trusted the Lord's voice when he told me that I would have a new stroller somehow.

Well, today, I took Krischan to a tumbling time at the Youth Center to meet some other children and play. I drove to the center, and Krischan had a wonderful time playing for two hours. We got home at about 11:00 am, and on my front porch was a new stroller. It was blue and orange, and in its simplicity, one of the most beautiful gifts I have received. My best friend, Julie, had bought it for me at the BX this morning and surprised me with it when I got home. You see, the Lord had laid on her heart to buy it for me. God proved today that he does answer our prayers, and he supplies all our needs, even the small ones.

To Krischan, it was no small deed. He climbed in and out of this stroller as if he had never seen one like it before. He climbed in it immediately, and looked at me to say "Let's go for a stroll, Mommy!" So I pushed him down the street to my friend Julie's house to show her how happy she had made him and ME, and we got a chance to enjoy each other's company! God is so good, every day, in every way! He has gifted me not only with salvation from hell, but a handsome son, beautiful daughter, amazing husband, a beautiful place to live, true friends, and all the small gifts he gives me every day because I am His daughter and He loves me very much! I am one of God's little princesses!

Thank you Father for adopting me into your family through the sacrifice of your Son and my co-heir, Jesus, in eternal riches! Thank you for the wonderful gifts you give me every day! Thank you for my friends and my family, whom I love and cherish! I pray today that you would bless these readers and hearers of this testimony with their own special gifts from you. Show each of them in unique ways how much you love them, and how you long to be in a deeper relationship with each of them. I give you all honor and glory and praise because of WHO YOU ARE! You are truly Jehovah Jihre, The Lord our Provider, and you are the lover of my soul! I pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

May God bless you richly today in the name of Jesus! May peace and grace be with you!

His Princess,


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