Deuteronomy 31:8

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

Praise You in This Storm by Casting Crowns

About Me

McAlester, Oklahoma, United States

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Move of God...

My faithful and loving family, friends, and readers. My husband, myself and my children have some very exciting news to share with all of you. We will be moving to the beautiful state of Colorado, often referred to as God's country. We will be making the move in the last week of March, or first week of April.

But the bigger news is that this is a move of God's will and because of His divine revelation to us. The Lord put it in my husband's heart over a year ago the idea to get out of the military and move to Colorado. When I first came to Christ, I wanted to be back with my family so much that I wanted to leave my husband and move home (whether my parents knew that or not, I am not sure). We almost got divorced because of my great desire to be with my parents. After committing my life to Christ and deciding to let Him rule and reign in every part of my life in 2007, the Lord began to work in my heart through this need to return home. After awhile, I surrendered my desire to return home to the Lord, and excitedly told Him I would go anywhere He called us to go, and I would be faithful in my walk with Him. For awhile, I looked in every direction, waiting for an answer as to where we would head next - would it be stateside, overseas, Europe, Japan, WHERE in the world was God going to send us WITH the military. Meanwhile, my husband kept talking about getting OUT of the military and it was a thought that I was not really comfortable with....the military paid our bills. It provides us with medical insurance, food on the table, and a warm place to live of charge. The military has the capability to send us to far off lands that we have never dreamed of before for "missionary" work. I was sure that the military was the place for us to be, so I just waited on the Lord for an answer or direction. My husband and I faithfully began praying over our situation for the whole next year.

I believe it was in August when my mind began to realize that God was calling us to get out of the military. While I was driving in my car one day and praising God, and praying, God began to show me a vision in my mind of what was to come for us. It was so powerful that it felt like it took my breath away just seeing it in my mind. My heart was immediately FILLED with joy and I began to praise God loudly, shouting in the car, and crying. I just KNEW that it was our life unfolding before us, as God has shown me so many other visions and given me knowledge about other people's lives to come....I was so excited that the vision was finally about US. He showed me the most amazingly clear images of us living in secluded ranch location of at least 30 acres, with small modular home, and a pond, a barn, and several outbuildings. He showed me that we would be able to look out the windows and see the La Plata Mountain range. It was absolutely amazing to see in my mind. My breath truly was taken away in that moment. This time of vision lasted for about 20-25 minutes, probably one of the longest visions I have ever experienced, and it happened while I was driving (but we were safe, God is good!) I went immediately home and began to pour out the vision that I had seen to my husband. He looked me very in a very casual way and said, "I have been wanting to go to Colorado all along." At this time, I knew the vision was true, but we know that God has His own timeline, so I did not think that this would happen anytime soon. I thought that it must be a future revelation, and that ten years down the road or more, we would find ourselves living in that place doing the kind of ministry that God had shown me.

So, we continued to pray harder and harder, and with increasing passion. Jeff decided that he did not want to stay in his current career field, and he told me that if he did not get a NEW career in the military, we would get out. This was hard for me to accept. I prayed fervently over the decision making process of him submitting his retraining packet. We asked our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to pray with us the whole time as well. I remember one day, I was at the church with a sister getting ready to pray, and we were talking about the things that were happening, etc. She said to me something about moving to Colorado (she is gifted prophetically) and I told her my vision of eventually moving back there. She said no more and we kept praying, but I wondered if it was going to be soon. Waiting for the retraining decision was long and difficult, but in the end, he was denied to receive new training. The thought of getting out NOW became heavier as Jeff began to really seek out employment outside the military. One day, I was praying and the Lord said clearly to me "Pray that you would GO HOME." I told Jeff immediately because the revelation shocked me. Here I was, fully prepared to stay in the military and travel to foreign lands in Jesus' name, and He was telling me to go home to Colorado. I thought, "Right now????" But the Lord pushed in on me harder, and I began to feel a great burden to pray that we would go "home." The last month or two have been a flash in our minds, and God has moved so quickly. We have fasted and prayed, and asked the Lord several times what to do. Jeff put out probably 60 applications and resumes to different companies all over the US - we figured the way home might be roundabout, so we kept our options open. NOTHING happened. No response. So I figured in my own mind, well, this must not be the time. Maybe we go later.

But Jeff was persistent in continuing to apply. He had several very promising job prospects come up, but one went on a hiring freeze (which should almost be over), another couldn't wait for him until April (when we separate), and so forth. One problem after another...just bad timing right, with the economy??? NOT in God's eyes. As we prayed through the process, one day the Lord spoke to me again and said "Are you willing to go and obey me, even if Jeff does not have a job?" This was a real test of my faith. The economy is crashing, all around me I see destruction and downfall, and the Lord wants us to make a move to Colorado with NO job lined up. This is borderline crazy in the world's way of thinking. But God knows what is happening with the economy, and He knows His plans for us, plans not to harm us but to prosper us, to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). So I went to Jeff again and gave Him the revelation. He had a hard time with it. I had already told the Lord that I would go with or without a job, I trust in my Lord's character as Jehovah Jihre, the Lord our Provider. But the Lord also spoke to me that He needed to speak directly into Jeff's heart and let Jeff lead this family wherever we go.

So...Jeff and I still decided to go ahead and file for an extension in the military for one more year, due to a lack of employment opportunity. Smart, right? Not in God's eyes. The moment Jeff began to seek the signature of His commander, my stomach got sick. I KNEW we had been disobedient and not followed the Lord's direction in our lives, but I knew it was going to take a miracle of God to give my husband the faith to change his mind. So, it took a few days for the paperwork to move through the channels, all the while, I could hear the Lord crying out to me saying "I didn't tell you to do that." It hurt me that I was disobeying my Lord, my best friend, and the love of my life....and WHY, because of my own fear and lack of trust. That final morning, we found out the paperwork was ready to be turned in for the extension. I couldn't take the heartache I had any longer...I told Jeff my thoughts, and told him we might be making a mistake to extend. And I WAS the one who originally was so bent on staying IN the military. What a change of heart. I began to fast that morning and pray, and seek the Lord for direction. Immediately, He spoke again and told me that we needed to move to Colorado without knowing Jeff had a job. I said to the Lord in the secret place, "Lord, I HEAR YOU, but you are going to have to speak directly to my husband about this. I will not tell him this, you will need to tell him."

That afternoon, when I first talked to Jeff, one the first things out of his mouth was "I think we should move to Colorado without a job lined up." That sealed the deal for me. No more doubting, no more wavering, I knew the Lord had spoken that word with faith directly into my husband's heart. He had immediately answered my prayer. So we made a decision that afternoon to shred the extension paperwork and file for separation, and MOVE to Colorado with employment lined up. It was truly a faith based decision. We are trusting that God has ordained us to move to Colorado to start this ministry, and we are trusting that since God is with us, none can come against us, not even the economic woes of today. It is amazing feeling to trust God that much with my life. But I realize it hasn't happened has taken months upon months or daily studying, reading God's Word, His amazing grace, His Presence and miracles in my life building my faith, His daily provision for my family. Walking with God is no passive matter. Walking with God is beyond anything natural, it is something that hardly anyone can imagine, but everyone longs to have. Daily intimate fellowship with Lord of Lords, King of Kings, answered prayers, provision, security and most of all - LOVE beyond all measure.

So...we are on our way to Colorado in April. By the grace of God, we inherited some money by the passing of my grandmother in December, so we will not be without provision for awhile...but it will not last forever, we must trust in God and not in money or ourselves to make this happen. Our lives belong to Him, therefore, He will sustain them. The Lord is currently leading us to the properties (two of them) that closely match the vision which I saw. It would be easier if I was on the ground and could see the land myself, but I am trusting God will make up for this lack by pointing us to THE right property, which we may have found yesterday....42 acre ranch land with a modular on it, with a barn, a pond and several outbuildings. It has the landscape of my vision and a view of the La Plata Mountain range right out the window. God is detailed in his visions, and that is proof that your dreams really CAN come true when you are following God's perfect will for your life.

God WILL get Jeff a job that will meet all of our needs....I just hope He reveals that part of the plan sooner rather than later. But God is good, we will survive and flourish in the land. We have started a website for our coming ministry called "Fire on the Mountain Revival Center." It will be a place of people getting to know the Lord one-on-one, in a personal, face to face relationship. We are going to be teaching people how to meet, and speak with their Lord without any interventions on behalf of man. It is a place for revival of God's people, and evangelism to a lost, dying and hurting world. The Lord is going to bless our ministry with provision that will shared with those in need, including food, possibly shelter, and other necessities for living. We are directed by the Lord to use horses in ministry for the healing of broken people, and teaching them to trust others, and God. We are going to have an outdoor ministry eventually where we take youth and adults into God's creation and teach them about the wonders of the Lord. We are going to be doing baptisms on site, I believe, and we will have a heavy emphasis on worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in Truth. It is a place of learning to live in God's Word, and not by any rules and regulations of religion. It is teaching people to walk by faith, not by sight, and to believe in God's grace as their only means of salvation through the blood of Jesus' Christ that was shed on the cross. The Lord has shown me that it will start VERY small in a one room building next to the house on the property, but it will grow to be international. There will be leaders that come from around the world to our revival center to seek the fire of God, to take back to their churches and spread it! It is a mighty vision of God, and we are just normal people with hardly any money, but a whole lot of heart for God. God will provide for all of our needs.

If this vision has sparked something in you, and the Holy Spirit is leading you to give to this upcoming ministry to help us get started. Very soon, after we apply for an EIN number with the IRS, we will be able to begin collecting funds for the ministry to get started. If you are interested in sowing a seed into God's vision for revival in this country, you will have an opportunity to do so very shortly. I do not want to collect money until I have made sure I covered the bases with the know how it goes. But we will be an offical non-profit organization called "Fire on the Mountain Revival Center."

For now, you can visit my website (but forgive us, we just started it - needs a lot of work)....but very soon, I am going to start posting teachings in various subjects related to our upcoming ministry and will be giving updates on both this blog and the website about our progress. Please continue to check back in the coming weeks, and months:

If you decide to donate now on the website, I will get you a receipt per the guidelines of the IRS for non-profit organizations. I am going to apply for an EIN in the next 24 hours, so perhaps it would better to wait another day or so to donate.

More than even MONEY, we NEED PRAYER of those who would like to support us as faithful prayer partners. We believe prayer is probably the most powerful thing a Christian can do, so we need a lot of it!!!! If you would like to be a prayer partner, please email me at

If you have any more questions, concerns, encouragements, words from the Lord, anything to share with us, please do not hesitate to email me. I will reply to you ASAP! :-)

May God bless you all as you stand with us in this move of God, and we will appreciate the opportunity to stand by you and minister to you as well. God bless you!

In His Grace,


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